
Start a Front Porch community, to gather in song and friendship and love.
There is no greater stage than your own front porch, no brighter spotlight than the one that shines on your living room couch, no more precious audience than your own family and children, and there is no greater peacekeeping force in the word than the community of musicians and singers getting people to stop, feel and listen.
WPCA Radio wants to create a SongFarmers chapter on our own front porch (in our case it’s our patio). This will be a part of ‘SongFarmers Chapters of America in Lexington, Kentucky.
Gather your friends and family to pick, play and sing. Turn your front porch, your living room or the shade of a backyard tree, into your own stage. This is specifically for homegrown musicians, who make music for the sheer joy of it! No cost to join.
This is early formation time, gauging interest. For more information, call 715-268-9722,or e-mail wpca@amerytel.net.