About WPCA Radio

WPCA radio station in Amery, Wisconsin
WPCA Radio believes that the broadcast media, especially television but including radio stations, are major contributors for what we see as the moral decay so prevalent in our country today.
WPCA Radio also believes that if we don’t work to effect a change in that situation, it will not happen; someone has to do it….if not WPCA Radio, who? If not now, when? To that end, our radio station requires a dress code of professionalism for our people not seen in most of broadcasting today; we require our people to be pleasant and professional when in our building or representing the radio station elsewhere; even when off-duty.
Our on air programming is mostly music; in that venue, we do not allow music with illicit or suggestive, or down-right vulgar lyrics; further we do not allow music with the heavy base-beat and screaming guitars and the general din so prevalent in much of today’s music.
Our music is primarily from vinyl records, and each selection is individually screened to be sure it meets our strict criteria. Vinyl is preferred due to the extra special sound that music in that medium carries with it.
WPCA Radio air personalities are not allowed to make off-color remarks, or read suggestive or otherwise illicit material for on-air use. WPCA Radio prides itself on programming that is fit for the whole family, regardless of their age.
Meet the Team
WPCA Radio 93.1 FM is the only locally owned, public radio station and operates with LOCAL people. The music, news, sports and programming heard on WPCA would not be possible without the combined effort of our staff and volunteers at WPCA Radio.

Bob Zank
Executive Director

LuAnn Peterson

Todd Beaver

Dave Corbett
General Manager/Announcer

Ed Schmidt

Killian Deming

Bill Klopp

Sandra Michel
Underwriting Rep
WPCA Radio 93.1 FM also has many volunteers that help this radio station operate on a daily basis. WPCA thanks those volunteers and reminds that we are always looking for more help. If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer at WPCA Radio, call us at 715-268-9722. Thanks for listening to Your Good Neighbor Station!
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